Aire One Barrie


How can a dehumidifier help during the summer months?

Summer is great, but the warmer months can also be sticky and uncomfortable. Canada has a full spectrum of weather conditions, with Southern Ontario often getting extremely humid and warm with temperatures approaching 40ºC. Temperature control systems are widely used to manage heat and humidity, including household fans, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. Air conditioners are […]


How much does a new air conditioner cost?

There are so many reasons to invest in a new air conditioner for your home or business. A good air conditioner can keep your home cool year-round and remove humidity from the air during the summer months. That said, many people delay purchasing an air conditioner because they think it will be too expensive. So, […]


How much does it cost to repair an air conditioner?

Air conditioners are an essential part of many modern homes. Not only do they make you more comfortable, but they also improve the air quality of your home. If you own an air conditioner, regular maintenance is required to keep it in tip-top condition. While modern AC units are fairly low-maintenance compared to other domestic […]


Should you perform air conditioner maintenance in the Spring?

With warm weather just around the corner, spring is the perfect time to ensure your air conditioner is working properly. Air conditioners are typically not used all year round, especially when you live in Southern Ontario. Instead, they’re used heavily over the summer months, when temperatures can rise to 40ºC. Spring is the ideal time […]