Aire One Barrie


Choosing the Best Furnace for Your Needs

A good quality furnace will last for a long time, providing much-needed heat energy to keep the property livable even during the winter months. But even top-quality furnaces do not last forever. Older model furnaces tend to be less fuel-efficient than modern products, and wear and tear over time can further reduce that efficiency. To […]


Reducing Costs with a High-efficiency Furnace: How Much Can You Expect to Save?

How Much Can a High-Efficiency Furnace Save on Your Energy Bills? Furnace efficiency is calculated according to Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency — or AFUE — ratings. This rating is expressed as a percentage that tells you how much of the fuel you are using in the furnace is being transferred into heat energy for your […]


How often should you change your furnace filter?

When the cold rolls in, we rely on our furnace to keep us warm. When was the last time you thought about the condition of your furnace’s filter when you reached for your thermostat? Never fear! We’re here to take the guesswork out of this important upkeep. What Does a Furnace Filter Do? The short […]


What type of furnace filter should you use?

Your furnace plays a key role throughout your home. It helps to keep you warm and comfortable, and it affects the quality of air that you breath. Furnaces consist of many parts, including the control system, gas valve, heat exchange, blower, and ventilation system. Filters are integral to all furnaces, with these simple but essential […]


Should you perform air conditioner maintenance in the Spring?

With warm weather just around the corner, spring is the perfect time to ensure your air conditioner is working properly. Air conditioners are typically not used all year round, especially when you live in Southern Ontario. Instead, they’re used heavily over the summer months, when temperatures can rise to 40ºC. Spring is the ideal time […]